Holy Shit Balls.

So maybe online grocery shopping has it’s downfalls. As in, if you select tomorrow when you’re shopping at the servers midnight not your midnight you get your food a day later. So my prepping may have to wait a day. Which is fine because I came across something I will only refer to as “Holy Shit Balls”. Firstly, because they look like little poops. Secondly, Paleo Cocoa Puffs?!?! Are you kidding me? After doing a mental inventory of my ingredients, I quickly realize in just 50 minutes I can fulfill one of my guiltiest pleasures sans guilt.

The recipe is here http://paleomg.com/guest-post-paleo-cocoa-puffs/

The photo is much better here too. I was in a hurry to eat them.

I made it. I’m am guilty of eating dough. I feel like it’s a measure of what it will be like. I might be totally wrong but whatever. The dough was amazing. When I made the balls smaller I feel like the results were better. But after one bowl, I was over it. The first 6 bites were amazing. I ran out of vanilla while making it. That could be the reason it wasn’t phenominal. If you feel the urge to make this, I would half the recipe, that’s my two cents. I wonder what they say here “Do you want to hear my five cents”. They do not have pennies.

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